Everybody heard about niche blogs or micro niche blogs and the great importance of them for SEO, especially when your business have a strong competition.
When to use niche blogs?
If you're targetting a niche for your business and want to get supremacy on search enigines' results, then you need to obtain more related backlinks to your targeted keywords. But carefully to not get penalties from Google's Penguin algorithm updates.Additionally, you need related content to join your new backlinks, usually from articles/posts that count more than 250 words. But this content need to be, also, carefully written, to not get penalties from Google's Panda algorithm updates.
To create successfully "niche campaigns" you shoud know that niche blogs should record an activty of at least 5 - 6 posts/articles. Personally, I prefere to create at least 15 - 20 posts for each blog, with Tire 1 and Tire 2 backlinks. It looks naturally and if you will promote these niche blogs via main social bookmarks, a few high pagerank wikies and article directories, you will get consistent traffic. Also, your blogs will obtain targeted visitors.
When to use micro niche blogs?
These kind of blogs works great for products or specific services, also for low competition keywords (usually under 100.000 searches)...In my personal "micro campaings" I used micro niche blogs to get traffic from low competition keywords or to create and promote micro brands for specific goods or services. Also, I use 3 - 5 articles/posts for each blog as Tire 1 backlinks, only, and posts have minimum 500 words.
Niche or Micro Niche Blogs?
After reading this article, you should know what exactly your business needs. Anyway, if you are searching for professional services to get (micro) niche blogs as I described, well.. I'm glad to inform that you are in the right place. My offers can be found on fiverr, seoclercks and Fivesquids at only $5 for 5 blogs. If you want to get 3 - 5 articles for each micro niche blog or 15 - 20 posts for each niche blog, just check my Extras.I hope you found helpful this articles, and if you like, please share it and/or subscribe.